The Science Behind The Seat
The Science Behind The Seat
The revolutionary Infinity Seat not only protects your sensitive perineum/pubic-bone area, but completely relieves sit-bone pressure as well. Rather than smashing those areas like a conventional bike seat does, the Infinity Seat moves the anatomical contact outward—to areas that are less sensitive to compression, and more capable of “providing their own padding”. The result is a much more comfortable ride with far less chance of developing saddle sores, genital numbness, impotence or even sterility.
Here’s how it works: The revolutionary Infinity Seat design relieves 100% of the pressure on your sit bones and pubic bone, making this a saddle like no other. All points of contact are with areas of your anatomy that “provide their own padding”.
If you’re a female between 5’0″ and 5’9″, or a male between 5’2″ and 6’2″, you should be extremely satisfied.
Your height determines the width of the pelvis.
- Concave surface vs. convex surface: The unique cutaways in the seat distribute the riders’ weight into the pressure absorbing muscle masses of the buttocks. Instead of pressure on the butt or pubic bone.
- Width of seat: The Infinity Seat takes into account the height of an individual, which dictates the size of the pelvis and in turn defines the width of the Ischial Tuberosity. The average seat width is close to that of a child’s seat.
- Weight and dimensions: The weight of the seat ranges from 245 to 265 grams. The dimensions are 10 1/4 in (260.35 mm) by 6 ½ in (165.1 mm) for the Elite Series. The dimensions are 11 1/2 in (292.1 mm) by 6 1/2 in (165.1 mm) for the L-Series.
- Accommodates most body types: The Infinity Seat is designed to adapt to the rider’s skeletal structure; therefore, it fits most indiscriminate of muscle mass and body type.
- Seat flexibility: Through our R and D we found a third component where the average rider loses wattage and increases friction. The Infinity Seat allows the seat to move with the cyclist, enhancing the rider’s potential energy and decreases inflammation.
- No break-in period: No need to desensitize the soft tissue through hours of molding the seat to your body, resulting in less genital health issues. The unique design of the Infinity Seat conforms to each rider’s personal anatomical position.